Starts the process of authorizing a single sign on session.
SDK Function Name: ssoAuthorize
Parameter | Description | Location | Data Type | Required |
authorization_request | Authorization request | body | SingleSignOnAuthorizeRequest | required |
This is the equivalent of logging out of the single sign on session
SDK Function Name: getSsoSessionUser
Called by your application after receiving the code back on the redirect URI to obtain a simple key token to make API calls with
SDK Function Name: ssoToken
Parameter | Description | Location | Data Type | Required |
token_request | Token request | body | SingleSignOnTokenRequest | required |
Name | Data Type | Description |
developer_message | string | A technical message meant to be read by a developer |
error_code | string | HTTP status code |
more_info | string | Additional information often a link to additional documentation |
object_id | string | Object id that the error is associated with |
user_message | string | An end-user friendly message suitable for display to the customer |
Name | Data Type | Description |
error | Error | Error object if unsuccessful |
metadata | ResponseMetadata | Meta-data about the response such as payload or paging information |
success | boolean | Indicates if API call was successful |
warning | Warning | Warning object if a non-fatal issue or side-effect occurs |
Name | Data Type | Description |
company | (read only) string | The company name of this linked account. |
merchant_id | (read only) string | A merchant id that is linked to this account. |
selected | boolean | If true, this user configuration (permissions, notifications, everything) is cascaded to this linked account. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
can_filter_by_distribution_centers | (read only) boolean | True if this notification can be filtered to only send for one or more distribution centers. |
can_include_affiliate | (read only) boolean | True if this notification can include an affiliate information. |
can_include_order | (read only) boolean | True if this notification can include an order attachment. |
can_include_order_plain_text | (read only) boolean | True if this notification can include a plain text rendering of an order directly within an email. Some desire this over an attachment |
distribution_center_filters | array of string | If this notification supports it, this list of distribution center CODES will filter the notification to just those distribution centers. |
include_affiliate | boolean | If true, and this notification supports it, affiliate information will be attached to all notifications of this type |
include_order | boolean | If true, and this notification supports it, the order will be attached to all notifications of this type |
include_order_plain_text | boolean | If true, and this notification supports it, a plain text order will be directly inserted into all notifications of this type |
name | (read only) string | The name of this notification. |
notification_group | (read only) string | A group for this notification. This name is only used for visual grouping within interfaces. |
selected | boolean | True if this user wishes to receive this email notification. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
permission_group | (read only) string | A group for this permission. This name is only used for visual grouping within interfaces. |
permission_Name | (read only) string | The name of this permission. |
selected | boolean | True if this user has this permission. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
payload_name | string | Payload name |
result_set | ResultSet | Result set |
Name | Data Type | Description |
count | integer (int32) | Number of results in this set |
limit | integer (int32) | Maximum number of results that can be returned in a set |
more | boolean | True if there are more results to query |
next_offset | integer (int32) | The next offset that you should query to retrieve more results |
offset | integer (int32) | Offset of this result set (zero based) |
total_records | integer (int32) | The total number of records in the result set. May be null if the number is not known and the client should continue iterating as long as more is true. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
redirect_uri | string | The URL that the customer should be redirected to after they have approved a single sign on session. |
state | string | An optional state variable that you provide. It will be returned to you on the redirect. You can inspect the state to validate the request is legitimate. We recommend using this field. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
expiration_dts | string (dateTime) | Expiration date/time after which the single sign-on login operation will have timed out |
login_url | string | The URL that you should redirect the customer's browser to. This URL will begin the login process. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
code | string | The code received on the redirect URI after the customer approved the single sign on request. |
grant_type | string | Grant type. The value should be simple_key. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
expiration_dts | string (dateTime) | Expiration date/time after which time the key is no longer valid |
ip_address | string | IP address of the user which we recommend you lock the simple key's usage to. |
simple_key | string | The simple key that can then be used to make SDK calls on the users behalf. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
api_ip_address_masks | array of string | A list of IP addresses whitelisted for any user with API Access permission. Without this list, each ip address must be authenticated by a user, which can be a pain for some servers. |
change_ftp_password_to | string | Supply a new FTP password using this field. Password are stored using one-way encryption, so they are never available anywhere in the system. The FTP password cannot be the same as the normal password. |
change_password_to | string | Supply a new password using this field. Password are stored using one-way encryption, so they are never available anywhere in the system. |
string(150) | Email address of user | |
full_name | string | Full name of user. This is used solely for human assistance and so the UltraCart staff knows who they are calling when there is a problem. |
groups | array of UserGroupMembership | A list of groups for this merchant and whether or not this user is a member of those groups. |
linked_accounts | array of LinkedAccount | A list of linked accounts and whether or not this user is mirrored to any of those accounts. |
login | string | User name of user. Must be unique across a merchant account. |
login_histories | array of UserLogin | A list of user logins over the past 90 days |
notifications | array of Notification | A list of notifications the user receives. |
otp_serial_number | string | OTP Serial Number such as Google Authenticator or Crypto Card. |
permissions | array of Permission | A list of permissions the user enjoys for accessing the backend of UltraCart. |
phone | string | Phone number of user. Please supply a valid phone number. When something breaks on your account, we need to be able to reach you. |
user_id | (read only) integer (int32) | User id is a unique identifier for this user |
Name | Data Type | Description |
group_oid | (read only) integer (int32) | The unique object identifier (oid for short) for this group |
member | boolean | True if this user is a member of the group. |
name | string | The name of this group. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
ip_address | (read only) string | IP Address |
login | (read only) string | login |
login_dts | (read only) string (dateTime) | Login date/time |
user_agent | (read only) string | User Agent |
Name | Data Type | Description |
more_info | string | Additional information often a link to additional documentation |
warning_message | string | A technical message meant to be read by a developer |
Name | Data Type | Description |
UC-REST-ERROR | string | Contains human readable error message |
Name | Data Type |
body | ErrorResponse |
Name | Data Type | Description |
UC-REST-ERROR | string | Contains human readable error message |
Name | Data Type |
body | ErrorResponse |
Name | Data Type | Description |
UC-REST-ERROR | string | Contains human readable error message |
Name | Data Type |
body | ErrorResponse |
Name | Data Type | Description |
UC-REST-ERROR | string | Contains human readable error message |
Name | Data Type |
body | ErrorResponse |
Name | Data Type | Description |
UC-REST-ERROR | string | Contains human readable error message |
Name | Data Type |
body | ErrorResponse |